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Well-fed Workers

🦸 ⏲️ 🎄 ⚛️ π 🍣
Longest Streak: 11
Event Players Solve Time
July 2024 Road Trip 2 Players | 🥈 1h7m
June 2024 Sushi 3 Players | 4th 1h8m
May 2024 Bart Simpson 2 Players | 6th 1h47m
April 2024 The Magnus Archives 3 Players | 4th 1h3m
March 2024 Mathematics 3 Players | 🥈 1h14m
February 2024 Afternoon Tea 5 Players | 🥉 46m
January 2024 Animal Casino 3 Players | 6th 2h13m
December 2023 Over the Garden Wall 4 Players | 4th 2h4m
November 2023 Harvest Festival 3 Players | 🥈 1h8m
October 2023 Nobel Prize 4 Players | 🥈 1h28m
September 2023 Quantum Physics 3 Players | 4th 1h46m
July 2023 Christmas in July 4 Players | 🥇 43m
June 2023 Liquid Measures 4 Players | 🥈 53m
April 2023 Codes 3 Players | 🥉 1h15m
March 2023 Not Another D&D Podcast 3 Players | 4th 1h25m
February 2023 Robots 2 Players
January 2023 Five Nights at Freddy's 3 Players | 6th 2h8m
Team Slug: well-fed-workers
The team is known by the following aliases:
- wellfed-workers