Puzzled Pint Bangalore Logo

October 2018 Teams

Zoo Theft

# Team Start Time Solve Time
1 Well-fed Workers 3 Players 7:15 1h
2 To kill three birds with one stone 3 Players 7:30 1h14m
3 Tangy 20s 4 Players 7:30 1h24m
4 Dancy New 2 Players 7:35 1h40m
5 Raddatt 2 Players 8:40 1h44m
6 Astha 2 Players 8:40 1h50m
7 Gandhi Sethutaara 1 Players 8:25 1h59m
8 1 Human, 1 Half Elf, and 1 Orc 3 Players 7:15 2h15m
9 kifixander 3 Players 7:30 2h15m
10 Zowie-Mama 2 Players 19:45 2h45m
11 Vamshi, Sravan 2 Players 7:30 2h50m
12 Took Too Much Time 2 Players 7:30